The Executive Committee
i) The President, Principal (ex-officious).
ii) The Vice-President, Head of the Dept. (ex-officious).
iii) The Secretary, (to be nominated from the +3 Final Degree Hons class).
iv) The Joint Secretary, (to be nominated from the +3, second year Hons Class).
v) The Asst. Secretary, (to be nominated from the +3, first year Hons class).
vi) Other teachers of the Department.
vii) Treasurer — To be nominated by the President on the advise of the Vice-President from among the students of First year +3 Degree Hons class.
viii) Class Representatives — Three class representatives to be nominated, one each from each year of the +3 Degree classes by the President, on the advise of the Vice President.
Tenure of The Executive Committee
a) The tenure of the executive committee shall be one academic session only.
b) The membership of the student secretary, Asst. Secretary. Treasurer and class representative shall cease soon after the College Test/College Annual Examinations.
c) The Asst. Secretary shall carry on the work of the student Secretary till the next selections.
Functions of The Executive Committee
i) The president (Principal) shall preside over all the ceremonial functions of the Association.
ii) The Vice -President shall remain in charge of accounts, purchase of all materials and equipment for the Association. He shall act as the superintendent in all activities and shall guide and control the activities of the Association in general. He shall summon and prorogue the executive meetings of the Association with due approval of the President. He shall preside over the meetings of the Association in the absence of the President.
iii) The student secretary shall maintain the proceedings of the Association and shall read the report of the proceedings of a meeting in the next meeting. She shall prepare the Annual Report and shall place it before the executive committee for its approval. Further, she shall also convene the meetings, workshops, seminars, debates, discussions, symposium and other activities. The Secretary shall maintain the accounts of all expenditures of the association and shall place the accounts before the EC for its approval. She shall propose a vote of thanks at the closure of all meetings and functions.
iv) The Assistant Secretary shall assist the student Secretary and act as secretary as and when she remains absent or vacates office.
v) The class Representatives shall take part in all Executive Committee meetings and shall echo the opinions of the classes they represent.
Managing Committee
The Managing committee of the Association shall consist of nine members as follows :
a) The Principal as Chairman (Ex-Official)
b) Vice-Chairman the Senior most lecturer in the Department.
c) The student secretary shall be nominated from 3rd year +3 stream (Hons)
d) Eight Representatives shall be nominated from each classes year wise (+2 and +3 stream in pass and Hons)
Tenure of Managing Committee (M.C.)
a) The tenure of the M.C. shall be one session only.
b) The membership of student secretary and Assistant student secretary, class Representatives shall cease soon after the Test/College Annual Examination.
c) The Vice-Chairman shall carryout the work of the Association till the next selection.
Function of the Managing Committee
The functioning of the Managing Committee shall be as follows:
a) The chairman shall preside over all the ceremonial functions of the association.
b) The Vice-Chairman shall remain in charge of Accounts, purchase of all materials and equipment for the association and act as the superintendent in all activities and shall guide and control the activities of the Association in general.
c) The student Secretary shall maintain the proceedings of the Association and shall read the report of the proceedings of a meeting in the next meeting. The student secretary shall prepare the annual report and shall place it before the Managing Committee for its approval. Further, she will convene the Meetings, Workshops, Seminars, Debates, Discussions, symposia and other activities. The Secretary shall maintain the accounts of all expenditure of the Association and shall place their accounts before managing committee for its approval. The Secretary shall propose a vote of thanks at the closure of all meetings and functions.