About Us

About us

It is the admirable foresight and planning of the sole founder of the college, Sj. Asirbad Behera, the then Secretary of the Governing Body and presently its President who deserves the highest plaudits for having chosen this location for the convenience of the girl students. Mere words are but too meager to express …

  • To impart education in best possible form and to bring out the best in the students for all round personality development as well as for academic excellence leading to a prosperous career.
  • Spread of education and dissemination of knowledge to the denied and underprivileged sections of women in the society.
  • Imbibing scientific temperament, organisational abilities and human values in the upliftment of women.
  • Create consciousness regarding constitutional rights and empowerment of women to bring them to the national mainstream. Besides this we dedicate ourselves to the cause of comprehensive personality development to women students and teach them to the cause of social upliftment by providing them the excellence in the academic and moral education.

The strength of our College is our student from both rural and urban areas, who belong to different communicates like minorities S.C., ST and other backward classes. Though at present we have only undergraduate courses, we have planned to introduce post-graduate courses in some subjects. We have also planned to start career-orientated education in Beauty Care, Communicative English and Fashion designing. With reference to the core values of NAAC and our goals we practice various activities to help the students for their all round development.